

原文(英文词/希腊语词源/文本位置) 中文

  • A
    • Adjacent (ejfexh`” = in order), I. Def. 10 (p. 4) 相邻角
    • Alternate (ejnallavx), of angles, I. 27 (p. 50)
    • Angle
      • rectilineal, I. Def. 9 (p. 3) 直线角
      • adjacent, I. Def. 10 (p. 4) 相邻角
      • alternate, I. 27 (p. 50) 内错角
      • exterior and interior (to a figure), I. 16 (p. 34)
      • interior and opposite, I. 16 (p. 34) 内对角
      • vertical, I. 15 (p. 33) 对顶角
    • Area (cwrivon), pp. 59-60 区域
  • B
    • Base
      • of triangle, I. 4 (p. 16) 底边
    • Boundary (o{ro~), I. Defs. 13, 14 (p. 4) 界限
  • C
    • Circle, definition, I. Def. 15 (p. 5) 圆
      • circle (kuvklo~) and circumference (perifevreia) bisected by diameter, I. Def. 17 (p. 5) 圆和圆周
    • Compass and Straightedge, p. 10 圆规和直尺
    • Complement, paraplhvroma, “(figure) put in to fill up,” I. 43 (p. 71) 补形
    • Conclusion, sumpevrasma, necessary part of a proposition, pp. xi, xii 结论
    • Construction, kataskeuh,v one of the formal divisions of a proposition, pp. xi, xii 构建
  • D
    • Definition, in sense of “closer statement” (diorismov~), one of the formal divi- sions of a proposition, p. xi 定义
    • Diameter (diavmetro~), of circle or parallelogram, I. Def. 17 (p. 5) 直径
    • Distance (diavsthma), in the sense of “radius,” I. Post. 3 (p. 7) 距离
    • Divided Line, see Plato 柏拉图的分割线
    • Drawing, see Compass and Straightedge 绘图
  • E
    • Elements, definition, p. xi 原本(元素)
    • Enunciation (provtasi”), one of the formal divisions of a proposition, pp. xi, xii 声明
    • Equality, in sense different from that of congruence, I. 35 (p. 61). 相等
    • Equilateral triangle, defined, I. Def. 20 (p. 6) constructed, I. 1 (p. 13) 等边三角形
    • Euclid, about, p. ix 欧几里得
    • Exterior and interior (of angles), I. 16 (p. 34)
    • Extremity, pevra~, I. Defs. 3, 13 (pp. 3, 4) 极端(端点)
  • F
    • Figure (sch`ma), I. Def. 14, (p. 4) 图形
  • G
    • Guidance for Study of the Propositions, pp. 11–12 学习命题的指引
  • I
    • Isosceles (ijsoskelhv”) triangle, defined, I. Def. 20 (p. 6) 等腰三角形
  • L
    • Line, straight (eujqei`a), I. Def. 4 (p. 3) 线
  • O
    • Oblong, defined, I. Def. 22 (p. 6) 长方形
  • P
    • Parallelogram, parallelogrammic area 平行四边形,平行四边形的区域
      • investigated, I. 33 (p. 58)
      • first referred to by name, I. 34 (p. 59)
    • Parallel Postulate, see Postulate 5 平行公设
    • Perpendicular (kavqeto”), definition, I. Def. 10 (p. 4) 垂直
    • Plane (or plane surface), defined, I. Def. 7 (p. 3) 平的(或平面)
    • Plato’s Divided Line, pp. xii–xiii 柏拉图的分割线
    • Point, defined, I. Def. 1 (p. 2) 点
      • extremity of a line, I. Def. 3 (p. 3) 线的极端
    • Porism, p. xii 推论
    • Postulate 5, first use, I. 29 (p. 53) 公理
    • Proof (ajpovdeici”), necessary part of proposition, p. xi 证明
    • Proportion, pp. i, xiii 命题
  • Q
    • Q.E.D. (or Q.E.F.), pp. xii–xiii, 16 已被证明(或已成事实)
  • R
    • Rectilineal angle, I. Def. 9 (p. 3) 直线角
      • rectilineal figure, I. Def. 19 (p. 5) 直线图形
    • Reductio ad absurdum, pp. 21, 23, 37, 51, 65 归谬法
    • Right angle, definition, I. Def. 10 (p. 4) 直角
  • S
    • Scalene (skalhnov” or skalhnhv”) triangle, I. Def. 20 (p. 6) 不等边三角形
    • Semicircle, I. Def. 18 (p. 5) 半圆
      • centre of, I. Def. 18 (p. 5) 圆心
    • Setting-out (e[kqesi”), one of the formal divisions of a proposition, pp. xi, xii 设置
    • Square, defined, I. Def. 22 (p. 6) 正方形
    • Straight line, definition, I. Def. 4 (p. 3) 直线
    • Straightedge, see Compass 直尺
    • Surface (ejpifavneia), I. Def. 5 (p. 3) 面
      • plane surface, see Plane
  • T
    • “Therefore, etc.” explained, p. xi 综上所述
    • Triangle (trivgwnon) 三角形
      • several species defined, I. Defs. 20, 21 (p. 6)
      • sum of interior angles in, I. 32 (p. 57) 内角和
  • V
    • Vertical angles, I. 15 (p. 33) 对顶角
  • 其它
    • bisect 一分为二
    • demonstration 论证(和proof的证明区分开来)
    • theorem 定理
    • transverse line 截线
    • cong… 全等三角形